Body Transformation

A fat loss strategy tailored to women with PCOS, focusing on your unique needs, requiring no long workouts, and still allowing you to enjoy the foods you love.

Body Transformation

A fat loss strategy tailored to women with PCOS, focusing on your unique needs, requiring no long workouts, and still allowing you to enjoy the foods you love.
Identify Your PCOS Type: Take The PCOS Type Assessment
Identify Your PCOS Type: Take The PCOS Type Assessment

Where Does your PCOS Body Transformation Begin?

Scroll Through Our Free Resources

Where Does your PCOS Body Transformation Begin?

Scroll Through Our Free Resources

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Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to the ultimate roadmap for weight loss success with PCOS. Unlock a personalized report that unveils the most effective fat-loss strategies tailored just for you.

7-Day PCOS 
Fat Loss Challenge

Unveil the little-known secret to jumpstarting your fat-burning hormones in just 7 SHORT DAYS! This one-of-a-kind program, crafted especially for women with PCOS, takes you by the hand and guides you to a world of easier and more sustainable weight loss results – no pills needed!

PCOS Fat Loss 
Mini Course

Get ready to dive into the world of PCOS fat loss as we spill the beans on the best supplements, exercise routines, and stress-busting techniques. Say adios to cortisol and hello to a healthier, happier you. Enroll now and let the transformation begin - because when it comes to shedding those stubborn pounds, knowledge truly is power!

Success Stories

See what our clients and customers have to say!


I can just imagine how much you adore those dull diets, munching on nothing but veggies and protein, while your taste buds stage a silent protest...

And who wouldn't love feeling ravenous, nibbling on bland "rabbit food" at parties as everyone else indulges in the good stuff?

I bet you also get a kick out of hearing that age-old "just lose weight" advice from your doctor, as if it's the magic potion for your PCOS, cycle, fertility, energy, and more.

And when the pounds refuse to budge or come sneaking back, or your hunger pangs scream louder, your doctor's skepticism adds that perfect cherry on top.

Yup, I'm sure you're just thrilled with that experience.

But you know what?

If you're like the women we coach, you're fed up with spinning your wheels and drowning in a sea of conflicting weight loss advice for PCOS.

And here's the good news: John Gibson feels your frustration too.
After helping his wife shed over 70 lbs and conquer her PCOS, he made it his mission to coach women like you toward real, sustainable results.

With years of experience and thousands of transformed lives under his belt, John's PCOS Metabolic Mapping Protocol changes the game by adapting to your unique body and needs...

Rather than trying to force you into a one-size-fits-all mold.


I can just imagine how much you adore those dull diets, munching on nothing but veggies and protein, while your taste buds stage a silent protest...

And who wouldn't love feeling ravenous, nibbling on bland "rabbit food" at parties as everyone else indulges in the good stuff? 

I bet you also get a kick out of hearing that age-old "just lose weight" advice from your doctor, as if it's the magic potion for your PCOS, cycle, fertility, energy, and more. 

And when the pounds refuse to budge or come sneaking back, or your hunger pangs scream louder, your doctor's skepticism adds that perfect cherry on top. 

Yup, I'm sure you're just thrilled with that experience.

But you know what? 

If you're like the women we coach, you're fed up with spinning your wheels and drowning in a sea of conflicting weight loss advice for PCOS. 

And here's the good news: John Gibson feels your frustration too. 

After helping his wife shed over 70 lbs and conquer her PCOS, he made it his mission to coach women like you toward real, sustainable results.

With years of experience and thousands of transformed lives under his belt, John's PCOS Metabolic Mapping Protocol changes the game by adapting to your unique body and needs...

Rather than trying to force you into a one-size-fits-all mold.

who we are

My wife felt unattractive due to weight gain from PCOS.

Our doctor told us she needed to lose weight but couldn’t lose weight.

As a weight-loss expert, we tried various diets and workouts, but nothing worked.

We discovered she needed a different approach, due to her PCOS.

So, I developed the Metabolic Mapping Protocol, a sustainable weight-loss plan that includes treats, shorter workouts, and family-friendly meals.

My wife is now living her best life, and I've helped thousands of women with PCOS achieve incredible progress.
My wife felt unattractive due to weight gain from PCOS.

Our doctor told us she needed to lose weight but couldn’t lose weight.

As a weight-loss expert, we tried various diets and workouts, but nothing worked.

We discovered she needed a different approach, due to her PCOS.

So, I developed the Metabolic Mapping Protocol, a sustainable weight-loss plan that includes treats, shorter workouts, and family-friendly meals.

My wife is now living her best life, and I've helped thousands of women with PCOS achieve incredible progress.
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